Friday, April 8, 2011

Tutorial: Framed Stamp/Quote Project

I've made lots of these...sooooo easy!  These are GREAT presents for teachers, weddings/showers, new babies, you name it and if you, like me, like sayings, it's a wonderful way to share inspirational words. One of my favorites is in the GEP Dodge Library (a gift to my good friend, Leslie) that is about books and reading!  I have also done these for my athletes at the end of the season ~ I got a great bunch of international field hockey stamps and use those!!

You need:

*a postage stamp that fits the theme of your project

*a saying printed on cardstock, approximately 2 1/" x 4 1/2"

*a piece of scrapbook paper, 5" x 7"

*a matching frame

I've collected postage stamps and was given LOADS by my dad & grandmother. (Bit more repurposing there, folks!) Uncancelled work best for this project, but you can use cancelled if the stamp is the only one you can find that works for you!

I begin by selecting a saying I want to use and then find a stamp to "match". Print the saying on a piece of cardstock, trim and glue on a piece of scrapbook paper that goes along with the theme of what you are doing, or is just pretty! :o)

Attach the stamp ~ I like to do this symetrically, and usually I put it above the saying.  You can use glue, a glue stick, or my favorite method: those great little mounting squares from scrapbooking!

OPTIONAL: Are you a scrapbooking fan?  You can add all sorts of cute details with those skills... adds a whole 'nuther dimension!

Pop the piece in a frame and you have a lovely gift!

If you don't have stamps, give me a shout! I have...well...too many and would be happy to see if I have something you could use! 

Enjoy all!

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