Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday Mining: Jazzing up the Garden Space

We are getting ready to put in our garden in for the year.  Seeds are bought.  Space needs some work, but we still have snow on the ground here and are looking at temps in the 20s for the next 3-4 nights, so not starting anything crazy yet.

I thought it might be fun to play around with ideas for things we can create to jazz up the garden space for today's post.

This one caught my eye right off the bat as it is both functional and FUN!  Remembering that I have young grandsons who's primary goal in life is to get as dirty as possible, this would be GREAT!  You can head over to borganic for the how-tos!

Speaking of those boys, I can see this idea having multiple uses as well: first to water my garden and then moving it for the guys to run under!!

Lol, this one is adorable, but again, remember those boys?  Pretty sure I'd find this one heading down the driveway with a "vvrrrrrrrooooooooommmm....".  The how-to (more than just throwing dirt in a truck here!) can be found at House of Hawthornes.

Talking about recycling, I KNOW we have some of these laying around... doesn't everyone???  Find this idea and more over at Victorian House with Kitchen Garden.

It just so happens that hubby broke his shovel the other day (I know because we had a buy a shiny new one) so THIS would be a PERFECT use for that bugger!

 This is a sweet plant marker idea from

Want to try your hand at metal punching?  I thought this was both cute and "green" - hop over to Pin and Paper to see exactly HOW to do this!

I ran across another idea that caught my eye over at Aunt Peaches (how can you NOT read on when the blog by line is: "Messy. Sparkly. More fun that a bag of Possums" - I mean REALLY!!)

The website for this great idea no long exists, but these are lovely.  According to the pin that took me there, you use E6000 glue to attach one to another.  I think I have some of those bowls!!

I could see this idea branching off in lots of directions, but for starters, here's a way to deck out your watering can from The Empress of Dirt.

Just looking at these fun ideas makes me want to get started... until I glance out at the space, still snowy in spots and know I have to wait just a wee bit this year.

Have a great day,

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