
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Video: Making your own fabric "paper' towels

Good morning, friends!

Remember the Mining Monday post I did about a week ago about how to use fabric scraps?  I REALLY would like to do the kitchen towel project myself, so I went in search of a YouTube video to help me, being the visual learner I am.

Have you ever looked at The Crafty Gemini's things?  She's a crafty genius and is FANTASTIC!  I did a search and saw she had one so I went right to it and brought it here for you.

She has over 150 videos, so I am sure we'll find some more great ideas there.

For now, I'll get out the flannel and find some towels to use.  I know there are some ready for re-using in the pile, how about you?

I don't have the snap "riggy" she uses - that means I will have to do some thinking.  Bottomline, I wonder if you have to have them?  Couldn't you just either have a stack of them, ready to go, without snaps or possibly just roll them up and tuck in some sort of container?  Let' see what we can come up with, shall we?

Happy crafting,


  1. Good Morning :) What a great youtube Video! Could you maybe fold and fit in baby wipe container?

    1. That's what I am wondering, Audrey. That would impact size (they'd have to be small enough) - perhaps more like an oatmeal one? I will have to give it a try and see.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Carrie, These are so cool and they make my fingers itch to do some sewing. Might be a great gift idea, too?

  3. I am thinking that, too. Can't wait to try! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  4. Hi Carrie! Yes, these are way cool! I am going to keep up with the posts for ideas!!!

    1. I'll let you know how it goes, Michelle. Seems like a pretty easy idea and green is good, so...
