
Monday, April 29, 2013

Following the Path... Just one more day!

Good morning, friends!

It's a beautiful spring day out there and I am so excited about this week!  It's just one more day and my new blog launches!  I've been pulling together LOTS of new posts and post ideas for you all, dreaming up things to share, creating connections with all the different social media options, oh and COOKING! 

What's to Eat?  Dining In and Out hits the Internet on Wednesday morning, May 1st.  I will be sharing recipes and meal plans, reviewing cookbooks and restaurants and cooking up a storm with you!  I can't wait for you to see the blog itself - JMHO, but it's soooo me! 

I went in search of a quote this morning and put the one above together to share with you.  (I'll do a tutorial on it, no worries!)

I picked the one above by Jerry Gillies because it sums up how I am feeling right now: full of energy and imagination for what lies ahead! 

Are you ready?  Can't wait to share the journey with YOU!!

Quilty hugs,


  1. I love the quote. Indeed, I have all the energy and inspiration I need for my writing, so I know I'm on the right path.

    1. That's one way you can tell, Francene. Thanks so much for stopping by - Carrie

  2. Congratulations on being just about ready to launch your new blog! I'll have to stop back over and see what your new self looks like! Glad to have found you via the UBC!

    1. Thanks, Evelyn! Please do! UBC has been fantastic! I've found so many wonderful new blogs - Carrie

  3. You're so much fun, Carrie, and your excitement about your new blog has me excited, too. I can't wait!

    1. Haha! Thanks so much, Amy - I love reading and sharing with you as well. Hugs!
