
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's Live! It's Launched! New Blog: What's to Eat?

Okay, ladies and gentlemen -
She's live and online! YAY!  I am so excited to announce that What's to Eat?  Dining In and Out - Culinary Adventures has hit the Internet.  I would be more than thrilled if you headed over to take a peek!

Delicious header photo

Link to Hawaiian Pizza
The plan is to delve into the following:
  • restaurant, shop and book reviews
  • check out cooking related products
  • have interviews with food related folks and bloggers
  • create contests to up the fun potential
  • find help for us all to make the cooking part of our lives easier, like menu plans and organization tips
  • help connect you to other knowledgeable food folks you might not otherwise find
  • develop themed journeys to explore the world of food around us
  • discuss a range of ideas from the garden to the plate
  • and whatever else strikes my fancy OR that you ask to see!!

I hope you will come along for the ride - should be lots of fun and, well, delicious!!

Cheers and here's to many happy foodie posts!


  1. I love your planned topics. Tammie & I are both foodies and get excited over the stories that go with food such as travel. Yeah.

    1. Thanks so much!! I am pretty excited, as one might expect. Fun having my family into it, as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Replies
    1. Whoo hoo, Deb! Tomorrow is about homemade applesauce - done on the hearth! Got some great pix. Thanks!

  3. What fun! I look forward to seeing where you go with this!

    1. Thanks, Sheri - I am looking forward to it as well. Makes for fun research! Haha!

  4. I can't wait to peek over your shoulder during your food adventures! You go girl!

    1. Peek away, my friend! I'll be looking for folks to jump in in lots of ways.... just saying! :)
