
Friday, February 15, 2013

Ever tried "Wickles"?

Good morning, Friends!

Seriously, have you ever had them?  Know what they are?  Seen them at the grocery store?


Hubby and I were out grocery shopping (AKA - "Empty Nest Bonding Time") and Mr Whitt (who usually grabs the Oreos, Moxie & Cheese-Its) found these gems while in search of garlic dill stackers.

The name alone was intriguing: Wickles.  According to the label they are "a wickedly delicious pickle."  Where else, but in New Hampshire would something be "wickedly good"?  (I was completely bummed when oldest DD came back from college in PA only to have lost "wicked good" from her vocabulary!  A sad day...) 

Back to the pickles... we snagged a jar with a shrug of our shoulders, popped it in the cart and went about the business of procuring sustenance for the next two weeks.  When we got home, I tucked them on the shelf and there they sat for a week or so.  The other night I was toasting up some yummy grilled cheese and decided to bring out the jar of Wickles.

These are not for the faint of heart or anyone with an aversion to spicy/tangy food.  They are sweet pickles with a bit more than a hint of chili pepper! Needless to say, in my book, in tiny little nibbles (1/4 of a pickle slice at a time...) they were AMAZING!!  I am a bit of a wimp where spicy goes, so those of you who slather on hot sauce might not blink an eye, but we found them pretty darn tasty!  I decided to add a few to my tuna sandwich yesterday and they were delish!  Then I realized - I NEED to tell you about them!  :o)  Gotta take care of my blog-world friends!

If you decide to give them a try, let me know what you think!  If you have any tasty goodies you think the rest of us ought to know about, do tell!

Enjoy your day and I hope it is WICKED GOOD!

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