
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Repurposing/refashioning/having a bit of fun

Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

To anyone that needs it, BIG HUGS to you!!  Then again, don't we all?  

So I had this idea (perhaps it comes from being cooped up over the winter?) of getting together with friends and having a Pinterest Pinning Party (say that 3 times fast!!)  I posted to friends on Facebook, to see what sort of response I'd get and it was GREAT!  

So... I made up a survey at to get ideas for what everyone was interested in.  If you are reading this and want to get in on the fun but didn't do the survey, here it is:  You can click on the link, head over and answer a few questions.  

I am creating the first party based on the answers people are giving me, and what I can do. For example, several folks have asked for the theme "repurposing/recycling".  I've been collecting ideas that zip off that concept ... though I am hoping the munchies folks bring are NOT repurposed!  HAHAHA!

To help me get "in the mode" I decided to take a look-see at what I had that would get my repurposing juices flowing.  I found a bag of sweaters I had attempted tried done my best at felting at some point last year:

Quite a colorful lot, don't you say?

The next question I asked myself was which would be my victim I start with?  Hmmm ... I decided on the most colorful one!  Yippee!  So... over the next few days you can watch the fun as this little beauty becomes, well, I don't know...whatever she becomes!

Any ideas?  I have a come on back later and see what I come up with!

Quilty Hugs!

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