
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weekend Wanderings: Refashioning Sweaters

Good morning, friends -

If you've stopped by my Pinterest boards (if not, come on over!) you'll see I rather like pinning. It's like a game: the adventure of the search - whether is pointed ("Christmas cookies") or general ("humor"), the excitement of the hunt ("Oh my....look at that!?!!?), the satisfaction of time well spent (now THAT is jmho...), and the resulting goodies ("Been there done that, here's the picture") make for a jolly good time!

To date, I've found over 4,200 things that have triggered my fancy and the pointer finger on my right hand to click the mouse!  From DIY I'd like to try to beautiful art other people have created, from yummy recipes to things that make me laugh, there is a bounty of incredibly greatness to see and learn about.

So.... I thought that my weekend postings would highlight some of what I've found as I fulfill my role as the self-proclaimed "Sherlock Holmes" of the local pinning world... or perhaps more of a "John Watson" recording the beauty, creativity and the fun I find everyday!

To get this rolling, I thought I would start with what one can do when attempting to refashion a sweater, my current task at hand.  At the end of the posting, you will find a Linky Party - a chance for YOU to add to the wanderings!  Hope to see your GREAT ideas!

So here we go...

Let's start with Beth, over at The Renegade Seamstress.  She's a mom, grandmother and teacher and her refashions are fantastic!!  I am modeling the first step in my sweater project after her winter tote.  Head on over there and look at some of what she's doing!


How about taking a sweater that just doesn't fit quite right and modifying it?  The Naked Seamstress does a GREAT job here.  She shows you how to start with a simply, unflattering garment and a little off here and a little off there and VIOLA!  

Does the sweater fit, but need an update?  This little number from Danielle at Blissful and Domestic might be just what you are looking for!  She starts with a plain sweater and goes on from there!  Head on over to her blog and find out how!

 photo lacesweatercollage1Collage.jpg

I found another idea for SIMPLIFYING a sweater, one that might have doo-dads and such that you DON'T want. Jillian at is soooo much fun!  She had a sweater that was a bit over the top and gives it a makeover here.

That does it for today!  Hope you take a moment and add some ideas at the Linky Party below. Love to have you link up!!

Quilty Hugs,


  1. I'm happy you found my tutorial useful :)

    1. Yay! It was GREAT! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
