
Friday, March 30, 2012

Comments open until ...

Just a reminder: Comments about the potential DIY projects off my Pinterest Boards are open till Sunday night, April 1st. 

Take a look at what I gathered/hunted down/brought into the creative fold and make some guesses as to what I might be concocting!  One lucky follower will find a fun filled package on it's way to them on Monday morning!  It might be YOU!

There are all sorts of goodies in the flat rate ready to go out!  Muahahaha!  Take a look!

For example, I just got Kelly one of these and saw the marvelous paint job at this website and thought, hey I can do that too!  It would be perfect for my grandsons! (Which means 2, not one...)

Zip on over to Apartment Therapy and see what else you find!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, creative day!

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