
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day #128 - 1K "Whitty Crafters" Celebration Bash!!

Good morning, friends!

It looks like it's going to be a warm one, but hey, it's July, it's SUPPOSED to be warm!  It's the weather we dream of here in NH when it's below zero!  :o)

So I've been thinking... my blog hit 100 followers (108 to be exact, as of today) so now it's seeing how long it takes us to reach 1,000 fans on Facebook!!  I decided to take one of the ideas from the interview naming contest to give a name to the celebration bash!  I thought "Whitty Crafters" fit us!  To that end, I am going to have more than just fabric available, but don't worry, there will be that as well!

So HERE is what I am offering up, as an overview.  I will do a bit more about each over the next week with some ideas for what you can do with each one!!

What would a Whitt's Kits drawing be WITHOUT fabric headers? 
The mix will vary, based on what I have at the time of the drawing!
Quilt labels would be nice;

How about a quilting pattern?
Your choice from my Etsy store!

Some scrapbooking goodie treats:

and how about chalk cloth?  Have you worked with it?  Makes GREAT projects!

Doing a bit of traveling?  Let's toss in a luggage tag!

You can give me a color and I'll create a OOAK for you!
Let's toss in a couple of machine embroidered designs!!

And a scan of a vintage postcard you could play with!

Phew!  I am pooped just listing them!!
Now, it's your turn!!  Tell your friends about my Facebook page, if they enjoy it, ask them to "like" it and we'll be at 1,000 before you know it!!

Thanks for all you do!
Quilty hugs,

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