
Monday, July 18, 2011

Day #129 - "Whitty Crafters" Ideas for Scanned Birthday Card

Good morning, friends!

I thought I would do a series of posts this week sharing what you could do with each of the items I am offering up as we get closer and closer to 1,000 fans on Facebook!  You know, build the excitement?  Have a bit of fun?

That being said, let's get started!  The first item I'd like to talk about is a scan of a vintage birthday postcard.

This came from a collection of my grandmother's.   It says:
"A happy birthday.
Fortune from her stores joys upon you pour
and may each new Birthday
Bring you more and more."

Personally, I love the calligraphy used for the "B's" and other first letters.  The flowers and picture are rather sweet.  What to do with it?  Hmmmmm..... let's see!

  • For starters, how about using it as it was meant, a birthday card?  Print it out on cardstock and use it for someone special!
  • I can also see it printing out and being used on a scrapbook page.  Combine it with some photographs, perhaps in sepia tones, some floral decorations and viola!
  • On the same vein, how about either printing it on velum or putting a piece of velum over the printed card?  Give it that frosted look?
  • How about printing it on white or off-white paper and using ModPodge on a box cover, either of wood or cardboard?  Add in some scraps of purple and green?  How about a bit of ribbon?
  • Just recently I picked up one of those mugs at Micheal's that pops open and you can put a piece of paper inside with children's art work?  How about putting one of these, make it a birthday mug?
  • You could print it on fabric paper (for use with ink jets) and incorporate it into a number of different projects: pillow cover, quilt block, tote bag and combine with a bit of quilting!!
  • What other ideas do you have?  Do tell so we can all give it a whirl!
Don't forget, let your friends on Facebook know about what we are doing and suggest us to them!  The sooner we hit 1,000, the sooner I will do the drawings for ALL these goodies! 

Do YOU have any ideas?  Add them as comments to this post!!

I hope everyone had a GREAT day!  I am late today due to storms and a college visit!  Gotta love going into the senior year!

Quilty hugs everyone and looking forward to coming up with new ideas for tomorrows posting!

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