
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day #127 - Birthday wishes and gifts for men

Good morning, everyone!

Special wishes going out to my first born - RJ!  27 years ago today you graced us with your presence!  Luv you, babe!

With that in mind, I thought I would scour the Internet for you folks and pop in some ideas for handmade gifts for the guys in our lives - they are a challenge sometimes!

The first site I found was about making homemade gifts and the page was literally my search terms: homemade gifts for men! There are a plethora  ideas for items you can sew, from iphone covers to a bed caddy as well as things you can put together, my favorite being the "Honey Do Belt"! 

Have you ever checked out  They have loads of fun things to make!  There are several of the chunky bracelets some folks like, not my guys, but I do!

The one I think that will help ME the most for my "little boy's" birthday (okay, so he IS 6' tall, but he'll ALWAYS be MY "little boy"!!!) is from Mom Advice (how can you go wrong with that??)  Here is a link via Curate Us:

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

I am off for some fairy fun for the day ~ pix tomorrow!

Quilty hugs,

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