
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Scrapbooking eBook

I have way too many pictures that NEED to get into a scrapbook.  I have the materials.  I just need the motivation.  I may have found it.

While searching the Internet the other day, I came across an eBook filled with titles and quotes that should put a fire under me to get started!  Then I looked at what else came WITH it... yikes:

  • Friendly Gifts Craft Sayings e-book 
  • Friendly Gifts Scrapbooking for Beginners e-book 
  • Be a Scrapbooking Pro e-book
  • Digital Scrapbooking Made Easy e-book 
  • Scrapbooking Fonts Collection 
  • Scrapbooking Kits Collection 
  • Scrapbook 3D Title Maker 
  • The Ultimate Scrapbooking Guide 
  • Scrapbook Software 
  • Create-A-Face 
  • Scrapbook Generator

At this point I realized two things:
1.  I wasn't going to have any excuses: I am going to have to get back to scrapbooking, print those photos off the computer and haul out the boxes to get this done.  Well... maybe not DONE... but at least a dent made?

2.  I would make sure that my crafting friends also knew about this collection!  I signed up to be an "affiliate" with Terri Burrit, the author, and parked a little link over on the side for folks to see.  Being an "affiliate" means I receive a small compensation when my readers purchase the e-book.  I am so appreciative of any of you that do - it helps support the blogging I do and love.  Hugs and thanks so much!

One of the nifty things is that as an affiliate, I am able to offer a sample to you!  Whooo hooo!  Isn't that cool?  As one of my readers, all you'll need to do is click HERE and viola!  You pop in your email and a link to the sample zip into your inbox!  Wow... the wonders of modern science!  To check out the complete offer for the book, just click Click Here!

I am pretty excited to check out the craft sayings eBook, too.  I like playing around with creating posters in PicMonkey - might be a nice source of sayings to work with.

When I went through the sample items,  I found the titles just what I was looking for.  I do want to say that the "resource" page and links ALL seem to take you to more books to purchase - guess that's how this works, but I felt this one was more than enough for me for now.

You do also get a pair of craft eBooks, but in my opinion, they are for beginners.  If you have experimented with crafts and such, these might be a bit basic for you.  Then again, maybe these would be some great ideas for those of you with young children/grandchildren!  The illustrations are very simple sketches - I prefer photographs myself, for a better idea of what I am trying to do.  That's just me.

Take a peek and see what you think.  I think this may just be the kick in the pants I need!

Back a few years ago I was really into scrapbooking and went through quite a few photos, designed lots of pages and created several books.  Here's one page I really liked.  Very simple but tied together both the images (with color and theme) and where we were at at that time in our lives:

That little boy?  He's now almost 30 and STILL works with his dad see yesterday's post about Dodge Hill Family Farms!

So, it looks like I am going to be hauling out the paper & photos, guys!  Guess what YOU'LL be seeing here at Whitt's Kits?  Oh yah... scrapbooking ideas!  Let's get that flashdrive filled and head to Walmart!  :)

Happy crafting,

PS.  As mentioned, this is a product you can purchase.  I do receive some compensation from the author, but the opinions of the product are all mine.  The good and the not so.  :)


  1. Carrie,
    You never cease to amaze me! I don't have a bit of creativity in me and you do so much! I just got finished scrapbooking our trip to Europe. Simple, but done!!
    BTW, I tried to click on the links and they didn't work. Not sure if it is my computer or if the links aren't working.

    1. Darn, Verda - Let me see what I can do. It's my first time trying this type of link. I'll let you know.

      ~ Carrie
