
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dodge Hill Family Farms --> Now on Facebook!!

Just what I needed: one more social network to manage, right?  Well, what's a mom/wife to do when your first born asks for help?  Create.

If you've followed my blog or know us, you'll know that for the past several years hubby and son have been doing maple sugaring.  They love it and we love the sweet stuff!  "We're going to the sap house" is one of my grandson's favorite sayings!

Realizing that social media is king, I told the two of them they needed a presence.  "Great!"  was the reply.  "When are you going to do it?"  So, I sat down yesterday and played around till I got what would be our first shot at it.  Here's the images I came up with.

First, is the profile:

Here's the cover shot, done "collage":

I created both in PicMonkey.  I'm getting better all the time with that one.  :)

Well... come on over, if you haven't yet, and "Like" the new page.  We'd love it and hey, I have to do my job, right?

Enjoy the day,

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