
Friday, May 10, 2013

Five Friday Favorites: #1

Good morning, friends!

I'd seen this idea on several other blogs I visit and really liked the idea: searching the Internet for 5 different things that caught my eye, seemed fun, sounded yummy, etc.

Here's my first stab at it!

Friday Favorite Appetizer:
I came across this little gem at The Bite Sized Blog.   They had me at honey mustard glaze on the bacon.  Oh, man...
Scallop BLT
Friday Favorite Quote/Infographic:
Dr Seuss pretty much sums up life for us, doesn't he?  Check out the infographic in closer detail HERE.

Friday Favorite living room I'd like to have:
Wood, fireplace, uncluttered... sigh...yup, this would be sweet.

Friday Favorite Ikea Hack:
I've been thinking about zipping down to Ikea to get one of these sets.  I hadn't thought about using chalk paint.  Great idea with details at Paddington Way

Friday Favorite Date Night Ideas:
Tomorrow is Whitt's birthday - maybe one of these ideas would be fun?

Don't forget that the Sew Mama Sew Drawing is today!  You can register to win a set of four pillowcase kits from me HERE.

PLUS, my followers can also have the opportunity to win a sweet apron handmade by me, HERE.

Good luck!

Thanks for stopping by!

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