
Friday, May 10, 2013

Congratulations, Patty!

Whooo hooo!  The Sew Mama Sew Giveaway is over and Rafflecopter selected one of the lucky entrants from my website.... drumroll... the winner is.... #97 - Patty!!  I've sent you an email and just need a full name and mailing address.

Thanks so much to everyone who visited and gave it a whirl.  It was so much fun to read all your comments - hope you all enjoyed playing.  :)

Here's a link for EVERYONE to make a pillowcase from fabric.

Would you like a video?  Here's one I love to use.

All you need is 3/4 yard for the body, 2" x 44" for trim and 10"x 44" for accent. Easy peasy!

Have fun!

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