
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Where was I yesterday? KAF!!

Good morning, everyone!

Today is Wednesday and that means a quick glance into that which is my world.

Their namesake flour - you'll find it in your local stores.

Just inside the door of King Arthur Flour in Norwich, VT

Greatest guy in the world who had lunch with me from there...and we froze at softball!

I want to tempt you with the picture from KAF (King Arthur Flour) because NEXT WEEK we will be launching our new foodie blog!!  The trip to KAF with the wonderful shop and delicious foods will be posts you'll want to read!  I am sooooo excited as the day draws nearer... May 1st is the day we'll go live - there are recipes, book and restaurant reviews and MORE all in the works!!  Trust me, you'll want to check back and see.

Temptations will continue ... fun will ensue... hugs to you all,


  1. Carrie,
    You're amazing. Another blog? Incredible! I'm going to be watching how you're able to manage two blogs, because for some time I've thought about having two (one for theatre) but am quite sure it would send me to the loony bin. You go, girl!

    1. Based on that one piece you did the other day, I would read it! My "plan" is to split the days of the week, so I'll still blog every day, but go back and forth? We shall see - I am pretty excited... it's sitting there, waiting to go live. I have all the social media set up... some posts ready to go and LOTS of plans!! Hahahaha.... loony bin here I come!

  2. That is amazing. Two blogs! Good for you! Please share it with me...I love food blogs. I love to eat!

    1. Haha! Me too, Michelle! One of the reasons I'm starting it - I am very excited and can't wait for it to go live next week. I'll be sure to zip you a note!
      Thanks for the encouragement, Carrie
