
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Ring Toss Game from Pockets!

Good morning, all!

Remember that pile of jeans I had and all those cool ideas?  I grabbed a pair and started snipping yesterday.  The result?  A fun, safe (won't break windows and such, with two boys) game for the next time the "mysters" are here: ring toss, with Grandpa's old jeans pockets!

I started by taking the pockets off of two pairs of jeans.  Both were "Dickies" (Grandpa's favorites) and I kept the tags on - I thought that was one way to identify who's bean bags were whose!

When you snip them out of the jeans, leave a bit of extra fabric. You'll trim them once you have what you need in the next step.  That gives you some room to work.

Cut out as many as you need OR as you have pockets!  I went with a pair for each of the boys. Trim them as close to the edge of the sewn pocket as you can.

I saw this whole idea last week on Chica and Jo's website, HERE.  Like any good project, you make it your own. They had painted red stars on theirs.  When I went into the craft room, the new can of Krylon Glowz (glow in the dark) paint caught my eye.  "Hmmm... we could play with them in the dark!!"  

I cut out a stencil and headed outside to spray.  It didn't look like it was taking too well, so I grabbed a sponge brush and dabbed the extra paint that was sitting on the stencil on to the stars.


It was still a bit light (well, duh,'s DAYLIGHT!!) so I traced over the dried stars with Sharpie.  Now, daylight or nighttime, we'd be able to see the stars!

Time to fill with seeds/beans/rice/etc and sew shut.

Viola!  Some fun, soft, easy on my living room toys for the boys!  Not that they would EVER throw anything...or that ANYONE has ever broken ANYTHING in my living room... just to be safe...

Chica & Jo had painted plates to play with - I just made a ring to toss into because I had plenty of denim.  All you need to do is take a pool foamie, tape it together to form a circle with duct tape and cover with denim... or not... what do you feel like?

One great Memere game ready to go!  I AM the coolest!  Hahahaha!  BTW, the glow-in-the-dark paint does look great, I just couldn't get a good shot of it - my camera wouldn't take a picture without the flash. 

Thanks for stopping by today.
Quilty hugs,


  1. What a brilliant idea! I love your creativeness and it looks as if there will be plenty of fun with these as well.

    1. Thanks so much, Harriet. They were really very simple to make - took me longer to photograph everything than make them! :)

  2. Yes, I do remember that post. I must say you are terribly creative, Carrie. I am now rediscovering my creative side and you're giving me some ideas for my next weekend project.

    1. Yay! So glad to hear it, Carlana - have at it! I am fortunate to have an audience (family) that enjoys all my creative experiments! :)

      Let me know what you create - Carrie

  3. I love this it is so creative! You make it look so easy I almost think I could do it...


    1. You can!! Give it a try!! Thanks for coming by, Carrie

  4. Thanks so much, Patricia! It's a very do-able project - a few old pockets, some rice or beans and a sewing machine (or needle and thread) and you have bean bags! I realized I wanted to make some when my grandsons hummed some balls past our heads towards the picture window! These are MUCH safer!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you can give them a try!

  5. This looks so cool, it's an indoor game and safe from kids. Total win !

    1. You got it, Anita-Clare! It's all about giving them a target to throw AT! :o)
      Thanks for stopping by!
