
Monday, April 1, 2013

The Day After: Leftover Ham Recipes!

Good morning, friends -

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Anyone else have lots of ham left after dinner yesterday?  I thought it would be a GREAT way to spend a few minutes today, searching for recipes - sound good?  Here we go!

Do you have a nice chunk of ham?  One you can cut into chunks?  This would be perfect - especially if you have some pineapple left, like we do. always has lots of good recipes.

I am a huge fan of quiche - here's a great one using ham with some cheese and spinach.

Maybe you have some baked potatoes leftover, too?  If not, easy-peasy to make those up.  Here's a recipe using ham to make loaded potatoes!

I am TOTALLY going to be trying this one with a bit of what we have left - Deviled Ham from From Away up in Maine (or "Down East Maine" as some say). The recipe looks DELISH!  Go take a peek!

Head on over to and check out these yummy ham/veggie crescent rolls - more deliciousness!  Another one I am thinking the family would like.  

Soup is always a winner for leftovers like this.  Here's one I found called Easter Ham Potato Soup - how perfect is that for what we are chatting about, eh?

Maybe you don't have any potatoes left OR you'd like to try something a bit different?  How about a ham and rice soup?  Cheri at Kitchen Simplicity has a marvelous recipe for a wonderful looking ham and rice soup - go take a gander.

Have too much sliced ham to use?  Don't want ham for a week?  Zip over to Close to Home and Maria has a wonderful idea for what to do with some of the extra.  She has some recipes and entertaining ideas, as well.

How about adding to what's waiting for another day in your freezer?  Aimee at Six Cents uses some ham to create scalloped potatoes and ham - perfect for a time a week or two down the road when the memory of oodles of ham sandwiches and such isn't haunting you!  You might want to consider her Supper Club idea... sounds pretty intriguing to me...

My last suggestion looks REALLY fabulous - Ham Croquettes from the blog Food Republic. Looking for some impressive recipes?  Healthy  meals?  Tailgating yummy-ness?  Head on over to see what wonders they have.

I will let you know which of these make their way to the Whitt's table and what we think.  Till then, have a wonderful and creative day!

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