
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Guest Crafter: The Giving Plate

Good morning, everyone -

Hope you've all come off the candy high of the weekend...

Today's post is about a project by a "guest crafter,"  my daughter, Shauna.  You've seen her feet and hands on other posts (including lots where she's playing softball or field hockey) - today, she's creating a "Giving Plate" soon to leave our family!

 She started with a plain, off-white plate from the Dollar Store and a water-based glass paint maker (Vitrea 160 from Michael's).

My daughter in law had done mugs for us at Christmas with Sharpies that didn't hold their writing, so we are hoping this will be an improvement.  This marker required shaking and pressing the tip HARD to get it started.  The label says this is dishwasher safe after 72 hours.

I ran across the poem while out mining one day.  Here it is:

The Giving Plate

This plate shall have no owner for its journey never ends,
It travels in a circle of our family and friends. 
It carries love from home to home for everyone to share, 
The food that's placed upon it was made with love and care.
So please enjoy what's on the plate then fill it up again,
Then pass along the love it holds to your family and friends.

I couldn't find an original author - my guess being that it's been used and passed around for many years.  If anyone DOES know where it started, please let me know  and I will add that information and credit them!

Here's some detail of her work:

She accented the plate rim, decorations on the side and the title with a white porcelain maker.

The finished plate, ready to be filled and head out on it's life's journey!

This was a great project - perfect for the holidays.  Make one NOW so you'll have it ready!

Quilty hugs,

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