
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Super Quick Washi Tape Cards - AKA "Thanks for following my blog"

Good morning, friend!

As  mentioned last night, washi tape is in the goodie bag right now for the Crafter's Giveaway  we are doing this week.  In honor of that, I thought I'd whip up a quick project showing you a way you can use this fun material.

Who doesn't need a quick card now and then, right?

Here's all you need to make today's project:
  • cardstock - mine was from a scrapbooking pack
  • washi tape
  • optional: photograph
  • scissors/papercutter
  • Sharpie or other marker

First, if you are putting this in an envelop, be sure to measure the size of the envelop before cutting your cardstock.  I always seem to have orphan envelopes - so perfect use for them!

Cut your cardstock with a papercutter, if you have one.  I tend to NOT be straight in my scissor cuts, maybe it's just me.

Measure the width of the envelop and double that to get the length of the cardstock.  Cut the cardstock and fold in half.  You now have a card!

Take a piece of washi tape and run it across the card, I like near the bottom.  For an "artistic touch" I tore it and didn't go all the way.  Just play around with what you like!  Trim off the excess so it doesn't lap over to the inside.

Then, write your message on the tape.  This is going to be a thank-you card, so, that's all I wrote!  The final step would be to print a message inside, if you so desire.  I prefer personal messages, but you can find all sorts of wonderful poems and message ideas on the Internet or a good quote book.  All up to you.
That's it!  Didn't I say it was easy?  One of you will have the chance to try this out next week as the winner of our Come Play with Us Crafter's Giveaway.  Have YOU entered yet?  Stop on by this post and enter!!

Tada!!  There you go!

Now I mentioned in the directions you can add a photo.  Here's a quick few words on that.

Using the other piece of the scrapbook paper shown, I took one of my photographs and created an everyday card...birthday card...whatever!

I was going to mount it with glue, but then I thought, "hmmm....maybe the person who receives this would like to save the photo?"  PERFECT use for a bit of washi tape!  I trimmed the photo to fit on the paper and then tacked the corners with the washi tape!  Viola!  Super quick card and re-useable!

There you go - two quick cards made for almost nothing!  You could make up a set of these for gifts for others - I'm working on handcrafting as much as possible this year, so I'll be heading back to the papercutter later.  I'll let you know how those come out - you do the same!  We'd love to hear.

Enjoy your day,
PS... Watch for the photo of the what's now in the box coming in the next hour.  Can't wait?  You can see it over on the Facebook page!

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