
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Come Play With Us - Crafters Giveaway

So I thought it would be fun to find out what sort of crafting goodies you all are interested in.  I decided to call the giveaway "Come Play With Us!"

Each day (starting yesterday) I will be adding a different treat to the package so that by the time we get to next week, there will be all sorts of fun, crafty things headed to one lucky winner's home!  It makes me think of the Twelve Days of Christmas (oh...I'll need to remember that for December...) because each day I'll show you what's in and the one thing added.

This giveaway will help me plan out the next ones to offer to you all, my fun loving, creative (or wanna be...all good) friends.

Yesterday was day #1 (and the first thing to go in the box) is a set of 4, beautiful organza necklace cords and beads you can string on them:
The cord colors are teal, green, navy and purple - the beads are teal, so will coordinate with all the cords. All you need to do is string them on the cords and you have something lovely for yourself OR a start on gift-making for your family/friends!  So easy-peasy!

Wondering what's next?  Check by the Facebook page later today to see!  Hint: Can you say "washi"?

All you have to do to enter is jump on the Rafflecopter widget below and tell me what sort of crafting items tickle YOUR fancy!  How easy is that?

Good luck and thanks for being a part of our blogging world,

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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