
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: 5/8 April Showers & May Flowers

Okay, I know it's May, but it sounds good!

Today's Wordless Wednesday post is a chance to share some lovely flora with you!  Enjoy!  I will have to do the boutonniere again and add a tutorial - wasn't sure how it would come out, but was rather nice.  They were pleased and someone told DD I should be a more job!!  :o)

Flowers from DD's boyfriend's neighbor's house (where we took Prom Pix!)
A  boutonniere I made using violets and ferns - came out pretty good!
DD's corsage of roses - they were in black and white, so these were perfect.  Kudos to boyfriend's mom!
That was all a part of the last prom we're a part of.  Six proms for the three children... probably the easiest one yet!  Guess you get better at it with time! 

Hope your day is a wonderful one!
Happy creating,

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