
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

To market, part 2 - Find a Farmer's Market in NH

Good morning, friends!

Here are some pix from yesterday's farmer's market!

My tent, as you can tell!  Fabric on the left and crafted goodies on the right.

Charlie's Olde Tyme Creamery - incredibly good ice cream!
Dominque of Terrapin Glass - we'll be market buddies this spring!
Rebecca of Holland Homestead Farm - we decided taking tents down was WAY easier than putting them up!

Great time had by all!  The weather was amazing - sunny (such a nice change...), warm (in the 70's), with a nice breeze to keep it cool and not allow bugs to annoy us!  I made two new friends (we hold down the end of the walk in the market) one who has beautiful blown glass (soooo cool!) and the other, delish smelling soaps and goat products (a bar of the grapefruit may head my way next week!).  Charlie and his ice cream was a huge hit for the market - Rebecca and I had our eyes on trying a kaula fudge cup, but... someone got the last one before us, much to our utter disappointment!  We promised each other to get there a bit earlier next time - Charlie told us to just let him know what we wanted and he'd set it aside.  Ah...gotta love farmer's market!

I thought it might be nice to see where else and when you can find some markets around New Hampshire, (or "the 603" as my kids say...)

A great place to start is the NH Famer's Market Association website.  From there you can download a PDF of all the markets around the state, what markets are open in the winter and what's in season.  I found that you can click through to a website FOR each market that has a link listed, even though it isn't highlighted.

Not only is the "where" important, but the "when," as well.  Take a peek through the list and see when any within your local range are happening.  For example: Fresh Chicks is on Monday, from 11-4 pm and the Peterborough Farmer's Market is Wednesday, 3-6 pm.  Last season, there was a market in Antrim on Sunday's, but they are in search of a home this year, while the Hancock Farmer's Market is on Saturday's from 9-12 pm.  The key then becomes when do you want to shop?  What is on the way from where you are?  My goal this spring/summer is to jot down WHEN and WHERE there are markets (including locations I tend to go for other reasons, say... softball?) and know how I can get my hands on locally grown products.

Some other NH markets include:

Chances are there is a market near you!  All you have to do is look ... and then cook (or look and create, in the case of stopping by my tent!!)

Have a great day!

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