
Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Fans!!! Come on in, "Follow" my blog and someone wins a package of headers!!

A possible selection of fabric...may vary...hehehe!

Thanks to some great shops on FB, lots of new friends are "liking" my page!  Thanks a bunch!

Come on in, become a new "follower" and comment below ("oldies" are eligible too, just leave a comment!!)

Tell me what YOU would do if YOU won a flat rate envelope filled with headers! Or maybe other really sweet fabrics squished in... muahahaha!

Sunday night, at the end of my "wicked fun" Fabric-A-Thon tomorrow, SOMEONE will win a package STUFFED with fabrics!!  It could be you!! 

Just become a "follower", leave me a message and I maybe adding to your fabric stash!

Quilty hugs!


  1. I'm a follower!!! Oh geez the options are endless, I see pillows in my future :)

  2. Pillows!! Cool beans, Melissa! Looking for ideas? Check out this site: !!

    Thanks oodles for following!!
    Quilty hugs,

  3. I'm a relative "oldie" - and I think I would make pillows, too. I have a bunch of ideas for Christmas presents that revolve around pillows! :)

  4. I'm a follower. I was thinking Christmas ornaments, not really sure what kind though, maybe mini pincushion ornaments. Thanks for the chance to win some fabric, I just love fabric!

  5. pillows .or maybe a small blanket for my- daughter

  6. This is a comment for Marcy, who can't make Blogger work tonight!! :o(

    I will draw a name in the morning in case anyone else is having trouble.

    Quilty hugs and see ya'll in the morning!

  7. Lots of people are having trouble with Blogger ~ here's another post for Elaine, who can't log in. For those of you having trouble, are you using Explorer? Try Firefox, if you are, as that's what I have to do often!

    I will be drawing this morning! Thanks!
