
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Drum roll... Spring 2011 Fabric-A-Thon winners are.....

OMG, what a BLAST Fabric-A-Thon was!  I hope you all had as much fun as I did!  I made new friends, shared my world with old ones and lots of fabric is on it's way to a good home!  I am thrilled!

So, the million dollar question:  "Who won what?"

Let's find out, shall we?

For starters, the pin cushion and matching needle holder go to ....

Sylvia, who only came by to pick up foam core for her students and left with goodies!!

Next, the CD filled with oodles and oodles of quotes and quips, in a PDF file compiled by yours truly goes to...

Erin, my new friend in Wyoming who's motivating me to get running!!!  Yea!!! 

How about the Thimbleberries Quilt Labels?

Those are going to Jen who's wonderful grandmother is going to teach her to quilt!  All those quilts you are going to make NEED labels, Jen, so here you go!

Moving along, the book by Jennifer Chiaverini and some fabric goes to....

Michelle, who has to PROMISE to find her sewing machine now!!

Marion Haslam's wonderful book, Quilts in Bloom, goes out to a wonderful quilter who will surely use it well....

Elaine, who is destined NEVER to be fabric poor!!

How about that GREAT book, Grandma's Best Full Sized Quilt Blocks

The new home for that one is in Mason, with Joni Sue!!

And, the $25,000 question, WHO GOT THE MAPLE SYRUP????

The lucky woman to sweeten her world is Sally!!

There, that's it for this time, folks!  I wish I had a bigger house or a dedicated room and I would do this once a month, but the family would revolt losing their living space!  It was fun playing cards on the floor because every table space was used and, well, let's admit it, THERE WERE NO CHAIRS!!!

So keep your eyes peeled for another opportunity ... I am thinking October/November, before the holidays and AFTER field hockey!!  What say you?

Hugs and fabric lovin' from me to you!

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