
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day #96 - Blog hoppin'!

Good morning, friends!

It's a beautiful sunny day here in NH.  It has felt like fall the last wee bit, rather like the end of field hockey season!  But today, as New England weather will, it's supposed to hit close to 90!  Gotta love it!

I am not sure how many of you are blog hoppers like me and visit the lives of Internet'ers all over the world, but I've joined up with some others to participate in a blog hop in which you can win a variety of prizes by hoppin' along!  This one only runs through the 19th and is all about Father's Day! It is aptly named the Father's Day Giveaway Blog Hop (nice and straight forward!)  I have some great fabric included that would make wonderful gifts for dads, significant others, fishing lovers!!  Obviously it won't be in time for this Father's Day, but if you're like my family, there's plenty of other opportunities to whip up goodies for the guys!!
The fabric in my goodies package!!
Yesterday was a fun, creative day at work.  I have spent some time this school year working with a group of 5th graders at Great Brook School (one of our local middle schools) on a program called "Kid Curator".  They went through a whole process with me.  They started by coming to visit the museum and doing rubrics on our exhibits and then going up to the Town's Attic to measure and record dimensions and such of the space they would use.  Next, it was all about the research.  They did the bulk of that with their class ~ those of us helping them did go in a bit for assistance, as well.  I went in to help with turning the research into some sort of product on another day and between the Hancock Historical Society and a wonderful train enthusiast named Dale and myself, they learned LOADS about the local railroads.  We found them pictures to fit what they were doing from our joint collections and they also found a variety of artifacts that fit.

Yesterday they came in to curate the exhibit.  I had also taught them about font size, visual presentation and how to mount on foam core.  Their job yesterday morning was to put all the material up in the space.  We worked on how to make things level and what works best for the eye - spacing, height, etc.  I will pop some pictures up tomorrow of tonight's gala event when their exhibit opens to the public!  It is VERY impressive and something to be proud of. 

One of my jobs yesterday was to sew a series of nails on fabric and mount them, to keep them safe for the duration of what they have done. Thought of you all as I stitched the nails on and that I would have to share it with you! It is a culmination to a great deal of work on their part - nice job, guys!

Well, off to get ready to go BACK over to GBS and share our Hurricane of '38 Program with several OTHER 5th grades!  Hmmmm.... what did I do with those darn white  gloves?

Later, guys!
PS.  Go over and check out the Father's Day Blog Hop!!  I know I am!!

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