
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day #95 - Changes in the wind

Good morning, friends!

Creating is many things: a chance to make something of lasting value; an extension of who you are or a gift to another person that comes from the heart.  It can also be a release, an opportunity to step outside yourself and your circumstances and wrap yourself in something positive.

That is where I am at today.  We got news that we, at least I, wasn't expecting.  It puts us in the same boat as many many other families and folks out there, and the same one that at least a dozen other educators at the high school are in: Bri was "riffed" yesterday.  Jobs are tenuous at best, I guess, but it's a scary thing. 

After a bit of pure emotion and fear (Sorry, Michelle, hugs!) I went into "Okay, what do we do now?" mode which is far more positive and helpful, at least to me.  Within hours of the news I was already planning what I could do and how to deal with the situation.  It's going to be okay, really.  There is strength in the calm resolve that we will get through this.  Things may change (told the kids we'd be having LOTS of pasta with DELICIOUS veggies for the summer!!) but that isn't always a bad thing.  Just a scary one for a control freak....oh, did I say that out loud?

So this is where the creating comes in: it will be what mentally rescues me ~ fabric!  I love to play with it.  I love to create with it.  I love to share pretty ones (isn't it all??) with others.  So I'll be heading to the studio to create some new things and take oodles of what I have and share it with others.  Be watching my Facebook page for jelly rolls of rainbow colors, bags of fabric scraps and beautiful yardage! 

The quote at the top of my blog has been and is my mantra (okay, maybe it's a bit LONG for a mantra, but it sits over my computer and I read it every day!!!):

"You're always believing ahead of your evidence.  What was the evidence I could write a poem?  I just believed it.  The most creative thing in us is to believe in a thing." ~ Robert Frost

I BELIEVE things will be okay, but it doesn't hurt to get to work to be sure!  :o)

Thanks so much for ALL the kind words from all of you about how you read this everyday!  I hope you know that today's post is truly a positive one - change isn't easy, but, like the quote I made my personal Facebook status yesterday:  "The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." ~ Alan Watts

Let's dance, shall we?
Quilty hugs,

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