
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day #108 - Another great day BUT "blue screen of death?" possible!?!

Good morning, all!

What a GREAT day at Fresh Chicks Farmer's Market yesterday!  I added a tent to my space and it was not only great to keep the sun off, but it made a spot to hang the fabric headers for easier viewing as well as the fabric buntings I have in stock!  I sold more fabric and headers, a quilt kit, some maple syrup and some hand crafted goodies (burp cloths, the coasters and pot holders) - WOW!  I have a week off with the holiday on Monday, so I've got to get to work!  

Even better was the fact that everyone who came, visited and bought were new folks from last week!  Friends who didn't know I sell fabric (what a silly girl I am - hiding under a basket, I guess!) and new friends who learned about making pillowcases.  Such a great time!  Kudos out to my DD, Shauna, and her buddy Lou who schlepped my car full of treasures over and set the tent and it's contents up and then came back and took it all down with me!  Made my life sooooo much easier!  Thanks, guys!

My only concern today is that when I turned ol' Bessy on this morning there was a quick blue screen with white writing that showed for an instant and then flashed off.  I am praying it wasn't the first viewing of the "blue screen of death" as it is so aptly named: the screen that comes right before your hard drive crashes!  I have a Black Armor Back-Up drive from a year ago when the computer was acting wonky, but I am scurrying to make disks of things like my Quick Book and embroidery design files as well as the files of all my patterns!!  Don't even get me started on my photos.... have to hope that Black Armor will keep them safe and sound!  I couldn't fit them on anything else!

Well, it's off to make breakfast and then work in my studio playing around with upcoming birthday gifts and creating pillowcase kits (can't believe how they are selling!).  I hope everyone has a MARVELOUS day!!

Quilty hugs,
PS>  We are just 4 blog followers & 97 Facebook fans from our 1,000/100 goal!!  Thanks bunches!!

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