
Monday, June 27, 2011

Day #107 - Off to market today!

Good morning, all!

It's funny but I really had no idea I would be spending my Monday's at the local farmer's market this summer.  If you had asked me about what I was doing I am SURE this would not have been no the list!  I had plans to shop at it, but not to set up shop - but good things happen when you are open to them.

Every morning I receive a daily positive/inspirational quote in the mail and this was one of the selections today: You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give. - Eleanor Roosevelt

Mrs Roosevelt had a lot of good things to say but that one sits high on my list today.  We all have things that bombard us, most likely one of the best signs we are alive, I 'd say.  For some of us, there are days we wonder how we will get through to the next one. How will we cope with what is going on around us?   I would say, as Eleanor says, "meet it with courage and the best that you have to give."

I think that perhaps there needs to be a bit of risk-taking, as well.  I was pretty nervous about going last Monday and setting out my world in front of others.  "What if no one even stops at my table?"  "What if I don't fit in to the scene?"  "Should I really be there?"  Well, the answer to those questions was quickly  answered last week as I met so many wonderful people and have some new friends!  So, my advice: take some risks, accept what comes your way with grace and confidence and things will all work out!   Dr. Whitt is in the house!  Lol! 

Starting tomorrow I can have some pix again ~ my camera died and I've been borrowing my DD's.  She has spent the last few days with her sweetie and his family in VA at the ocean: very jealous!  She and her camera will be back tonight!  For now, here's what is growing in my yard, yum yum!

Well, it's time to head over the the bank for one dollar bills.  Let's load up the wagon folks and start out on today's adventure!
Enjoy YOUR day and hope its fantastic!
Quilty hugs,
PS. I will post pix of the upcoming goodies for the 1,000/100 Follwer/Fan Giveaway as soon as I can get my hands on the camera, so be watching!

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