
Sunday, June 5, 2011

#86 - Photography and "life lesson stuff"

Good afternoon, all!

Yesterday was all about family, softball, giving it your all and some life lessons tucked inside.  My job?  To photograph it!

The "life lessons"? 
  •  Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
  • The better team that day may not be the better team overall, but that's the way sports work.
  • Winning and losing don't define who you are, but they bring out your character and THAT does define you.  
  • Keep sports and anything else you do in perspective.  They are pieces of your life, just pieces.
Okay, enough of my coaching philosophy... enjoy some pix! Here's a few (as most are "secret" and will be in the slide show I'll be working on for a bit...)

Thanks for visiting today, friends!  I'll be back tomorrow with some goodies!

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