
Saturday, June 4, 2011

#85 - The cleaning and the hauling begins...

Good morning, friends and it is a GREAT morning!

The sun is shining again (YEA!) and I am getting ready to bring youngest DD to take the SAT's for the first time.  Not sure how focused she is as as this afternoon her softball team takes on a local high school in the 2nd round of the play-offs.  If they win, they move to the semi-finals for the first time since her sister played 5-6 years ago.  Pretty exciting stuff to be a part of!

For those of you who don't know me personally, sports are a huge part of my family's life.  It's "what we do" in many ways.  From playing to coaching, it infiltrates our lives.  As a matter of fact, yesterday morning I had the chance to meet and talk with 11 incoming freshmen at one of our middle schools about playing field hockey in my program in the fall.  I coach from August through October at the high school and then November to April for a club program.  Right now is my field hockey "break" but chatting with those eager young women gets me fired up already!  It will get harder to squeeze my creative time in for that time period, but I will persevere!  I promise!!  I have you all to chat with!  :o)

I will be cleaning and clearing the living room to get ready for next weekend's BIG Fabric-A-Thon today...the fabric part is fun, the cleaning?  Not so much!

On the creative side of my world, I was reading my Family Fun Magazine at breakfast this morning and saw some of the coolest ideas!  It's like a dollar an issue with a subscription and worth every penny!  Where was this when my kids were little?  I use it know for fun with the little ones, my grandsons!

If you don't receive the magazine, you should totally visit the website!  I want to do the Badges of Fun activities!  I thought the rock art would be nifty!

There is a whole section on the website of crafts and within that a section of sewing ones, to which I HAD to go!!

Check this out, the first idea I came to was hula hoop weaving!!  OMG!!  I HAVE to get this going in the Town's Attic at work!!

FUN, FUN!!!  Off to check out more!
Enjoy the day, all!
PS. We would appreciate ANY good vibes you could send our girl's softball team's way today!

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