Me! Lol! With all the softball I've been zipping around to, my time for what I do has been limited. So, as I wasn't able to connect with the individual I was supposed to chat with for this weekend, I thought, well, dang, how about answering those questions myself! So, here it goes!
You work in a variety of mediums. Tell us about what you make and how you got started.
My mom & grandmother helped me learn to sew somewhere around 9 years old. Made a particularly CRAZY blue checked shirt in middle school…horrible memory! I was quilting somewhere around college. My grandmother was an avid knitter ~ picked that up along the line. My mom was (and still is) one of the most creative people I know! She sewed our clothes as children (know that I DIDN’T appreciate the effort at the time, but we looked cute!) I think it was her creative gene w/crafts, tucked in with my dad’s inventiveness that have made me the creator I am today!
My business actually started with writing! I wasn’t very good at it (children’s book type…lots of rejection letters…) so I wondered what I might be good at writing and realized it was thematic materials for teaching! Made up some books, morphed into a line of Literacy Kits that I sold on line and to libraries…from there to scrapbooking and from there to fabric! Do you know Rascal Flatts “Along the broken road,”? That’s my creative life!
What is your favorite project to work on?
How do you get your ideas? Do you start with a fabric, yarn, or fabrics or a concept in mind first?
Both/all of the above. If I am going to try a new “something”, I begin with the idea and then head into the fabric rooms to find that perfect piece to make it happen. I would say that more often than not, it’s the project that comes first.
What other type of crafting to do you?
I sew and quilt, for the most part. I am trying HARD to go “hand-crafted” for family members birthdays and such, so since I have so much fabric….
I do knit. Cannot crochet to save my life! Could be that my best friend/mentor for crochet was left-handed…
I enjoy scrapbooking and making cards/tags/etc with paper.
I like to share sayings, so I work that into framed prints, photography and such.
I am the “slideshow creator extraordinaire” for my husband’s wrestling and softball teams and for my field hockey team ~ I love to take LOTs of pictures and turn them into slide shows!
I am thinking of dabbling in a bit of interior decorating by re-cycling old objects…we shall see how that goes!
Oh… and I am a new grandmother, so that opens a whole ‘nuther world!!
Of the items you currently have available, which is your favorite?
Pillowcase kits! They are soooo easy to put together on this end and when you are done, you have such a GREAT gift YOU made! I’ve had folks come over, non-sewers, who leave here with their first project! It’s a GREAT feeling!
For FUN!
What is something that makes you laugh out loud?
My children (playing Wii w/my girls is hysterical!!) and now my grandson! He’s too dang funny!
Describe your crafting/studio space to us:
Well….the actual room of creation is two part: sometimes it’s my living room table, if it’s sewing ‘cause that’s where my machine is set up. But everything else? The laundry room! The washer and dryer take up the least amount of space! My ironing board is really my working space! I have a lovely LARGE table, but it’s usually covered with materials, patterns, a hot iron, several thread stands, etc..etc…etc!
There are some bolts on racking and some headers hanging in there, as well, but the newest space is a “someday bathroom” that I took over and FILLED with bolts, tubs, racks and such of sorted fabrics. It’s a heady sort of space!
What is your best “stress buster”?
Crafting is the biggie. Going out for a walk works well. Reading a good book is on the list and so is a lovely bubble bath!
What is your favorite color?
Duh, purple!!
If you could visit anywhere on Earth, where would it be and why?
I have wee little list:
Colorado, to see that Grand Canyon. There is a bit of a problem: I am afraid of heights…we’ll have to see how that goes!
Australia, because my 20-year-old got to go and the pictures she took were amazing!
Northern Maine to do genealogy research! We went once and it was really to watch my son play baseball in Presque Isle…scoured one cemetery and found relatives!! Want terribly to go back!
Anything else?
Well, let's see...I do coach field hockey in the fall! We start Monday...Go Cougars!