
Friday, March 14, 2014

What to make...what to make... MORE fabric fun!

Yesterday I shared with you some of the lovely batiks I picked up on my journey to the wholesaler on Tuesday.  Today, let's take a peek at some of the others I found.  There are links attached to the pieces of the posts, if you want visit either of the stores to poke around.  I will be straight with you... start in on Etsy and be ready to get LOST!  Lol...

This first one is by Marcus Brothers Northern Territory line.  We live in the woods.  By that I mean rural.'ve seen the pictures -- OUT THERE!!  We see the wildlife pictures A LOT... even the big ones, though not as often as the deer and such, but we've had moose and bear IN THE YARD!  I thought this might be either a fun quilt backing or part of a wall hanging... perhaps Christmas gifts?  Ideas?

I LOVE Mary Engelbreit's fabrics!  When I saw this one on the stacks it went RIGHT to my pile!  It's fun and has all sorts of her mottos on it.  I think it would make a fun bag/tote.When I was cruising around Etsy, and did a search for "Mary Engelbreit" (it's how I decide whether or not to list something) I saw some of the most adorable creations.  That's what I meant by getting lost.  We are finding ALL sorts of wedding ideas for DD #1.

I am always on the lookout for ribbon/survivor fabric.  This one, by Timeless Treasures called "Ribbon" was perfect.  Can you see the bits of glitter on the edges?  Every fall my field hockey team plays one of our home games as a "Pink" game.  We do posters, sell goodies and dress in pink.  This past year we took the money we raised and gave it to a teacher in the high school doing the Breast Cancer Walk.  It was a win-win: the money went to cancer research and the teacher got closer to her fundraising goal.  We plan on doing it that way again.

I thought perhaps I could make something and we could raffle it off there - any ideas?  What do you think people might go for?

Okay, this one? It was purely for fun!  My mom loves frogs.  No, wait she's fanatical about frogs.  Actually, you might call it over the top.  She has all sorts ALL over her house.  I bough this to make her something, not sure what, but I KNOW she'll love it. (DON'T tell her, anyone!!)  It's called Hopping Around.  I kind of like how they go from one window pane to the next.  Rather crazy and fun!

I like to keep some quilt labels in stock.  RJR has  been making them for years.  Guess they aren't now, but this one is close.  It's a set of labels good for quilting, scrapbooking, cardmaking, you name it!  It's by Stephanie Wright for RJR called Adventures.  I bet I could even do some bookmarks... I see some Modpodging in the future...

So those were some of the bolts I picked up. 

Did you see in yesterday's how you can win some Tonga Treats?  The Rafflecopter Entry Form is down below!

You KNOW you want those Pink Lemonade cuties!!  Right?  Have you ever entered one before?  It's SUPER easy!  For this one, all you have to do to enter is ONE of these (more entries = more chances, of course)
  • Like my Facebook page
  • Tweet about the contest (if you are a social media guru)
  • AND if you are into that, follow me on Twitter
  • Not a Tweeter?  Pin the contest on Pinterest (hey, talk about getting LOST!!!)
  • Or, the easiest one: just leave a comment below about what you might do with the fabrics
See?  No big hoops!  I'm all for that.

Have a great day,
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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