
Friday, March 21, 2014

Need your artistic advice: Images for FB page!

Hi, Everyone!

This is such a warm, generous community and I need some help/advice/thoughts on the images I should use on my Facebook page.  I want to make some changes and I'm wondering what you think.

Currently I use the following images:

This one, a pillow I designed and made is my Facebook profile picture.  It's a project I made, in my favorite color with fabric I sold. 

This is my cover photo: a quilt I designed by slicing blocks, in my school colors of blue and yellow (gold) that I used to sit on at games.  It's colorful, my own creation, but I feel like the photo is a bit blurry on my Facebook page.  You can see them here.  Take a peek and see what you think.  Then, consider some of my other ideas below!

So, here's what I am wondering: do those "work" as the profile picture and the cover photo?   When you see them, do they catch your eye?  Do you think "oh... fabric..." OR should I go in a totally different direction to speak more to fabric themselves, vs finished projects like this little ditty I created in PicMonkey?  It would go in place of the blue and yellow quilt. 

OR should I go with something that shows more of the Etsy/Ebay stores names, it's more of a header than a photo? 

Or is that too busy?  Should I work on a single image that shows fabric?

OR how about using that colorful fabric as a background for my profile image, like this?

I can play around with the size of the black overlay, print type, size, etc, too, like this:

I kind of like the rainbow fabric background.  What do you think?  I could go with a single piece, like this, as well:

If you have a chance today, could you stop by my Etsy shop or my Ebay listings and look at the fabric: would any of that be "perfect"?  Should I use just one (like the yellow above), multiples (like the "banner" I tried) or stick with a project? 

I would love to hear from you via email or comments below.  Over the weekend, I'm going to "go for a change" so let me know today or tomorrow what you think!

Leave me a comment or zip me an email and one of my of my fans will get a special thank you!!

Thanks oodles!
PS.  DON'T forget to enter the Giveaway for GORGEOUS Tonga Treats!!


  1. I think the pillow for your profile photo is fine, I love the pillow. My personal choice would be an actual photo of you, but that's just me.

    I agree your wonderful sliced blocks quilt is blurry in the cover photo. I really love the single image that shows the solid fabric. Something like that can be easily changed for new collections or it's fresh enough to stay for a long time.

  2. Thanks, Jan!! I was thinking about profile being me, but so many business pages have the business name.... I appreciate your thoughts!

  3. Carrie,
    I looked at your Etsy page, and on the first page there's a quilt block made out of the bright Tonga fabrics. How about something really brilliant like that, with either a photo of your lovely face, or your business name, attached?
