
Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday Mining: Let's think spring.. I BEG of YOU!!

I'm back to scouring the Internet for cool ideas for you all... and I thought thinking spring would be a GREAT way to jump in!

We are BEGGING for spring here in NH... we all love the change of seasons, but the 6 months of winter thing this year?  Done... I am sooo done!  Bring on the sunshine, flowers and warmer weather!

So... in honor of the idea I will sacrifice some time to bring you spring... or at least things that make me THINK of it!

If you have any others, add them to the Linky tool below - we'd ALL love to see them!

One of the plants that always makes me think of spring is the pussy willow.  Sometimes you can find them out and about, I also found them available on-line, at Nature Hills Nursery.
They are one of those plants who are able to peek their way out through what the weather here in NH brings!
*Image from Nature Hills Nursery
Anyone else have a bit of mud... and lots of it?  Over at Our Neck of the Woods they came up with a GREAT way to deal with it!  Take a stroll over there and see how they made this!
*Image from Our Neck of the Woods

How about these adorable snacks (and LOADS more ideas!!) over at Spoonful?
*Image from Spoonful

Are you a list checking sort of person?  Have some kiddos you need to entertain?  Zip over to Real Simple for 50 Fun Spring Activities!
*Image from Real Simple
I found another great list of ideas over at - yup... I'm a memere, so I'll be checking THAT list!
*Image from

Here's a sweet (as in adorable) idea for a table runner from Country Living.  I need to find some hankies!
*From Country

Doing some scrapbooking?  Head over to for some creative ideas to get you rolling.
*From Debbie

Butterflies certainly speak of spring.  I never thought of tying together one of these paper globe shades and some colorful butterflies!  Well done, Martha!
*from Martha

Spring means planting.  My friend Amy had an idea like this a few weeks ago on her blog, but she used just newspaper (see here): These are done with paper and TP tubes for starting seeds!
I hope this gets you started thinking warm thoughts!

Speaking of warm thoughts... do you have an idea you'd like to share?  Add it to our Linky Tool below!

I'll share a paper banner I made for the front door tomorrow!  It's springy - I promise!

Happy creating,

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