
Monday, March 31, 2014

Mining Monday: Living Room Curtains - Sprucing up the house

We've had the same curtains in the living room since time eternal.  It's just never been one of the things I've changed.  You'd think I would since so much else has changed in the room, but perhaps that's been the constant.... that and the carpet... Maybe we just stop seeing them?  They are pretty - lacy ones I made.  But it's time.  Time for a change.  Changing them may change the whole room!

So... I'm doing some looking today on Mining Monday.  If you too, are thinking of a change, maybe these ideas will spur you to action, as well.

Initially, I was thinking just about the fabric that makes curtains, but this idea from Olive and Love made me think twice.  Head over and see how she did it!!

Now, I was already thinking about using sheets to accomplish this, so here's another thought, from My Life and Kids.  She gives great directions about how to do this without sewing!  This might be a game changer for some of you.

Oh fun... how about Roman Shades?  These look great AND are pretty easy.  What she does with Stitch Witch and glue, I'd just sew.

Stenciling is an option, albeit not perhaps the most easy, but could be a fun project.  Over at Southern Hospitality, she does a very detailed "how to" that is worth a look.

One of the things I noticed is that many of these ideas are about doing it quick and easy, sans little to no sewing.  BUT, I am all about sewing, so.....  though, I will admit that I like what these folks did as far as color.  I can see the "easy" part, too.  Might need to snag some ribbon and try this!  It's a shower curtain!

Whoa.... wait... here's another idea that never crossed my mind!  Ann at Hello Newman's uses a table cloth - gorgeous!!  Take a peek.  Great idea!

Here's an important thought: how much?  Stop by here and see how to calculate how much you need!
I have 1 large window, 2 regular size ones and a slider to consider, myself.

I ran across these, which I think might work for the side windows... but not so sure about the larger ones.  This is a good tutorial.

This looks pretty easy and might be what I go with.  It's a full size sheet with fabric accents.  Hmmm... we know I have some fabric...

What do you think?  Recommendations of these that you think might look good or be fun to do?  Have you made your own?  How did you do it?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Have a wonderful day!
PS DON'T forget to enter to win one of 3 prizes (Facebook Fans) - You've got till midnight, 3/31/14!!

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