
Saturday, March 22, 2014

12 Hours Left! Giveaway ends at MIDNIGHT!! Tonga Batiks 4 U!

Okay... with my excitement about changing up my Facebook page I ALMOST forgot about the giveaway!  OMG!  How is that possible?

At midnight tonight, the contest for a set of Pink Lemonade Tonga Batik 4" squares ENDS!  Monday morning that gorgeous pack is heading out to a new home!  "Adopt-a-Fabric" so to speak.  Will it be you?  ONLY if you take a moment and enter.  Here they are ... one last time:

If you've never tried a Rafflecopter contest before, here's what you need to do:

  • If you use Twitter, you can tweet about it and leave the tweet address AND/OR follow me on Twitter @QuiltingKitlady
  • If you use Pinterest, do the same
  • A Facebook follower? Like us your in
  • Just leave us a cute 'lil ol comment below and yippee!
NOW THE KEY IS .... to click on the +1/+2 that you see in the Rafflecopter box - THAT is what enters you into the system!  If you have ANY trouble, message me, let me know what you did and I will ADD YOU in!

Thanks and have a super-duper day!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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