
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: First Tulip and Some Chives

Good morning, friends!

It's Wednesday so, few words, but some lovely pictures.  It's my first tulip of the season and some fresh chives.  Excellent!

Don't you love the color?  So much is still brown around here (just starting to go green) that this literally POPS!

Can you taste that incredible chive flavor from here?  Mmmmm....good!

Till tomorrow,
PS.  Don't forget to enter to win 4 pillowcase kits HERE.
OMG....want to WIN the apron from yesterday?  Just comment HERE.


  1. I absolutely love tulips. They don't do well where I am in SC. Probably Tammie would have more luck near Raleigh. There are a few that get planted but the heat knocks them down. Just beautiful!

    1. I love them, too. I enjoy seeing color. My forsythias are out, but, well, pretty pathetic. But then again, color is color! Thanks for stopping by. (loved that building image you had today)

  2. I love the hot pink color of that tulip, although it sounds like nearly any color would be HOT right now with all the surrounding brown! And I've been looking hungrily at my green onions that are poking up--ready to devour them all, but I'm trying to be patient until they're a bit bigger.

    1. You got it, Amy. Went I went outside to see what I might photograph, that JUMPED out at me, poor little lonely bugger.
      I put that piece on my potatoes last night...omg, delish!
