
Monday, May 20, 2013

Mining Monday: Memorial Day Ideas

Wow, would you look at that - I'm trying to do things a week ahead?  Who is this and what are you doing with my blog!  Just kidding... sort of... Let's see what EASY and quick ideas come my way to get ready for the upcoming holiday.

Before we start having lots of fun, it is important to remember why we celebrate this holiday.   It's time for a bit of history.  Memorial Day started as "Decoration Day" in 1868, after the Civil War. It was renamed "Memorial Day" in 1882 but it wasn't declared the official name by Federal law until 1967.

A traditional observance of the day includes the flag being "raised briskly to the top of the staff and then solemnly lowered to the half-staff position, where it remains only until noon. It is then raised to full-staff for the remainder of the day. The half-staff position remembers the more than one million men and women who gave their lives in service of their country. At noon their memory is raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all." Wikipedia

As the wrestling coach at our high school, many of my husband's former athletes (and several of my field hockey players) have gone on to serve in our nation's armed forces.  Having a son, some of his friends did, as well.  On Memorial Day, their service stands out in our minds.  Thanks goes out to you all.

We appreciate all you have done and continue to do.  Now, let's celebrate this together!


This first one is not only for decorating, it's useful.  Fantastic! It also gets me thinking about other ideas using other washi prints.  Oh goodie!  Pop over to The Sweetest Occasion to see all the details.

Better Homes & Gardens has this sweet idea for serving up fruits with your red, white & blue theme.  Just so happens I have some parchment paper on hand, but I could see using scrapbook paper to REALLY jazz it up.

Here's another decorating idea from Martha Stewart, and we all know she's the queen of that!  My grandsons would enjoy these.

This decoration is super cool and inexpensive to make.  I will probably try this with fabric, because, well, you know me!  Multiples and More will tell you all about it.

Wait till you see this tablescape from over at Hoosier Homemade.  I totally have to try the blue jean serving platter!  You MUST go see what she did!  I love the pockets to hold silverware and napkins.  Whitt had better watch his jeans... might need to "borrow" them!

It just so happens that I have a Sizzix that can make star cutouts.  Using AliLily's idea, I could whip up a super quick star banner like this.

I would like to end by suggesting this book for children. Eve Bunting is an incredibly talented author and her messages are clear and touch the heart.  You can find it on Amazon (The Wall) or at your local library.

I will have some food ideas next week.
For now, hugs from NH,

PS.  As an Amazon Associate, we receive a small compensation for anything purchased through our links.  We appreciate you support!  Thanks!

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