
Friday, May 3, 2013

Find it Free Friday: What to do with an Embroidery Hoop (besides embroider)??

I ran across this great idea for using an old embroidery hoop (don't we all have some sitting around, or is it just me?) and it got the wheels rolling - hmmm...  so here are some things to think about on Find it Free Friday!

This project by Mamie is AMAZINGLY gorgeous!  I totally have the materials for this and can't wait to try it: a container made using hoops.  Pop over and see exactly how she did it - you won't believe how simple it is and she has great directions!

When I saw this one I was immediately intrigued - I always am looking for a way to display/hold spools of thread.  This idea, from the Yellow, fit the bill.  A few tiny dowels and I'm all over this one.

While we are talking sewing, I can always use another pin cushion, since the MICE ATE my last one because it was filled with rice! ARGH!!  This one is sweet and another one by the Yellow

Let's look at one more sewing-type idea, just because I am into trying to organize.  Use an embroidery hoop to hold sewing tools! This was at Sew

Rumspring Forever did one that shows a bit clearer HERE.  They used the pattern/plans from the site above.

How about using one to create the handles of a purse or tote?  Check this idea out - why didn't I think of this???

Talk about easy, I wish I'd had this when the kids were smaller: an "ever open" laundry bag

Speaking of the kids, I could still do this one for the lil Whitt's - a perfect nook!  A hoop, some fabric, bit of rope and viola!   You can get all the details at Small & Friendly

This really sweet idea can be adapted to almost any decor by using a variety of fabrics.  All you need is a hoop, fabric and clock innards.  You'll find it at DIY By Design for how-to.   I loved the buttons and how she coordinated it all.

This next idea is made to hold Christmas cards, but I can see birthday cards, postcards, you name it!  Head on over to According to Kelly to find out how.

This last one I want to share was the first one that caught my eye: using an embroidery hoop to display photographs.  Maybe it's the upcoming Mother's Day?  I don't know, but I thought this idea from was really cool.  I like the 3-D look to it all.  Click here to find out how to make it yourself.
I had no idea I'd find so many cool things to do with embroidery hoops.  Of course one COULD use them to embroider, but that's for another day.  :)

Have a creative day,


  1. Love this! Posting on our Carolina HeartStrings page!

  2. I have a ton of hoops that don't get used much. These are some great ideas I'm going to have to look more into after work today! Love this post!

    1. Yay, Laura! So glad to hear that - me too! Let me know what you end up trying.

  3. This post makes me want to go out and buy some embroidery hoops! So many great ideas like having the hoop hold your sewing items. The clock is a pretty cool idea.

    1. I loved the one holding the sewing items - cute AND a good idea!

  4. Thank you for these really neat ideas!

    1. Lorain - thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed the ideas. Let me know if you try any.

  5. Thanks for the shout out! Have a great week~

  6. Thanks so much for the feature. I really appreciate it!

    1. You are more than welcome, Judy! I love sharing the ideas of such creative people! :)
