
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Working on an "off-shoot" blog...where should we eat out?

Good morning, friends -

I couldn't wait any longer - I'm not very good with secrets (just ask my kids!) ... I have to spill the beans!  I am so excited because I am creating an off-shoot (actually a pair - but one thing at a time here!) of this blog due to launch in just a few weeks.

No worries, friends/family/followers - Whitt's Kits will continue in it's creative form, with lots of crafts every week.  I've been having a great time of late sharing recipes and fun in the kitchen and I realized that it might work better if the two things (food and crafting) each had their own venue.  It's KILLING me not to show you the page - I absolutely LOVE it!  When you see it unveiled in May, you'll agree - it's totally ME.
Remember yesterday's post about scones?  THIS ONE IS NUTELLA!!  Don't you want to know how to make it?

I want to continue sharing recipes we find and invent, discover even more ways to have good food ready at dinner time (no matter how busy we get) and add to it reviews and thoughts of restaurants and cooking related ideas we come across. part of that is coming from being empty-nesters and having the opportunity to eat out wherever we want now and have whatever we want when we dine in.  Needless to say, if you know my husband (yes, ladies at the school...) you know he enjoys a good meal. He's thrilled with what I want to do.  As a matter of fact when I told him about my plans he shouted across the room: "HART'S TURKEY FARM! The ladies said we need to go!"

That being said, I would love to get a list started based on your advice.  We live in southern New Hampshire, but travel all over New England and into New York and Pennsylvania constantly.  I also usually head down to southern Florida once a year, Disney area, for field hockey, so that's a place I could check out as well.

We could end up just about anywhere, so I am looking at a WIDE OPEN list -who knows where we might end up visiting!  It might be a great breakfast place (if it's got bacon, hubby is in), a wonderful place for a good sandwich at lunch, or a warm, friendly, fun place for dinner.  If I was coming to visit you, where would you recommend we go?  Who knows, maybe we'll meet you for lunch!! 

Thanks for following along the journey so far and here's to lots of great ideas and interactions in the future!



  1. So far, I have Hart's Turkey Farm, the Lake Winnipesaukee Dinner Cruise and Hilltop Cafe in Wilton. Any other thoughts?

  2. Not living in the US can't recommend anything, however when we visit will be sure to visit your new blog first x

    1. Fabulous! I'll get to work on it - thanks for stopping by!

  3. I live a bit too far to really recommend anything to you, but I love, love, love food, and can't wait to see your new blog!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Gwynne! I'm a food lover, too! :0

  4. I wish I could help you out but from Los Angeles it's a bit tough. Of course, when I make it to New England, I know who to ask for the best eats!

    1. Guess I'd better get to work then, Deb! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. what an absolutely fun project, Carrie! I'll enjoy following your new foodie blog, too! Have fun, chickie!
