
Friday, April 12, 2013

Find it Free on Friday: Stop by for Tea AND Have a question for you...

Good morning!
I've been chatting with new folks all over the world during a blog challenge I am participating in.  I thought it might be nice to share a cup of tea or coffee in my fashion - which is to make something!

So, if any of my new friends were here in New Hampshire, we could sit down at my dining room table and enjoy something warm to drink and perhaps something sweet to munch on!

Here are some thoughts:
Rather than using throw-away mug cozies, why not make some like Julie at Cosmo Cricket?  She has directions and a pattern for making your own lovely ones.

Don't sew but like to knit?  These are so cute with the little place to put a teabag or the sugar!  How creative!  Zip over to Simply Notable for the directions.

Once more cup cozie I found what over at Nest of Posies - she explains how to use socks!!

Let's focus on the pot for a minute... I keep coming back to Granny Squares - here's another reason I might need to learn to make them!  This adorable cover can be found at Cut Out and Keep.

I love how this one from Ravelry looks like a sweater!!

Head on over to the Rusty Bobbin for a set of excellent directions to make one out of fabric.
Now, the next thing we need is a mug rug!  How about this one from Glimmer Twin Fan?  Making these are like making little quick and easy quilts!  I am a huge fan!

You know I like the repurposing concept?  Here's one that Heather over at Inventive Denim called a Memory Mug Rug - she combine fabrics in a lovely way and has a great set of directions.

Shall we finish off the post with some tasty sounding recipes?  Sounds good to me!  How about Icy Spicy Fruit Tea?  Jenn at Sweet Makes Three whipped this up!

How about a nice Mexican Coffee?  You'll find this recipe over at the Food Channel website!

Here's my question: 
If you were coming over, what would you like me to bake for you?   Do you have a favorite munchie we could share?  Is there a link to the recipe?  Leave it for me and we'll see!  Can't wait to hear what you'd love to have!!  Who knows what I might do...

Quilty hugs,


  1. I'll start first... how about scones? I made my first batches a bit ago - one was raspberry & chocolate chip, the other ( Nutella! Yum!

  2. I like warm bread so maybe a loaf of fresh out of the oven bread with butter would be nice. I enjoy a cup of tea now and again so we can sample a herbal blend.

  3. Yummy!! Nothing better...maybe cinnamon raisin?

  4. Anything with cinnamon is my favorite and I really like apple cider (found you on Problogger).

    1. I hear you!! There is a great cinnamon "goo" that they sell at King Arthur Flour that I'd love to try for that!
      Thanks for coming by!

  5. I absolutely adore Lemon cake - with a lemon glaze and lemon flavored icing - full on Lemon cake :)

    1. Dawn, that sounds fabulous!!
      Thanks for stopping by - Carrie

  6. Wow, what a delicious and adorable post. Love all the great ideas here, thanks for sharing. And as for me, if I'm indulging I love a good cinnamon roll!

    1. I'm hearing a lot of votes for cinnamon in some form...

  7. I need to show this post to my daughter: ever since she studied in Scotland she is even more of a tea lover! I would love some snickerdoodles, or maybe a scone... or perhaps... some deviled eggs.

    Happy Weekending, my fellow Ultimate Blog Challenge Woman!

    1. Yummy! Thanks for coming by and by all means, DO share!

  8. Ugh Carrie,

    It was a mistake to visit your blog today. You see, I am fasting. No fun and the hunger pangs have not subsided yet. I did not dare peek at the recipes. So if I were coming over, I'd ask for a simple cup of green tea.

    See Rachel's latest blog post: The 16 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People

    1. Awwww, Rachel, I am so sorry!!! When you are able, you should stop back by! Hugs and BTW - I have plenty of green tea!

  9. I've got hooked on black coffee with a cinnamon stick - try it before you judge me :) And for eats ... we have small sweet or savoury pastries called bourekas and an especially wonderful chocolate one called a rugelach. The best ones are soft and a little chewy and so more-ish you can't believe it.

    1. OMG... Isobel now YOU are making ME hungry!! I like cinnamon in my coffee, actually - but I'm not a black coffee drinker, personally. The pastries you are describing...delish!

  10. Hi, visiting from the UBC :) Couldn't choose - love scones, lemon cake, vanilla cakes. If I have someone visiting it takes me a week to decide what to bake LOL And thank you for the link to the knitted sleeves - I'm thinking they'd be fab for craft fairs :)
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

    1. Haha - I hear you, Suzanne! How about a little bit of everything? Glad you liked the sleeves -they'd be perfect for craft fairs.
      Do you knit? I tend to go with fabric-based creations. Wanting to learn to crochet though...
      Thanks so much for visiting!

  11. It would have to be French crepes with plum jam, walnuts, and cinnamon on top. Served a bit warm, yummy! Super idea, Carrie!

    1. Delia - fantastic!! I've been thinking about crepes for a bit - my French/Canadian grandmother used to make them for us... butter and marmalade on mine!
      Thanks for coming by!

  12. I'm thinking cheesecake sounds pretty amazing to me!

    1. When doesn't cheesecake sound good???
      Thanks so much for stopping by, Ellen!

  13. I'd love banana choc chip muffins. These are so healthy but feel like such a treat. Here's a link to the recipe.
    I found you on problogger Discussion Post contest. I am participating too!

    1. I will have to check them out - thanks for the link. I just made a really tasty banana bread that had chocolate chips, orange flavored dried cranberries and some other wonderful ingredients and I am working up the recipe to post! Thanks for stopping by - hope to see you again!

  14. O.M.G. I MUST HAVE THE black and white cozy with the red button. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog so I could drop by yours. Now I want coffee and I will make a cozy and save a tree.

  15. Perfect, Sabrina! Go for it - send a picture when you are done, I'd love to see it!

  16. If I were coming over, I'd want shortbread cookies! YUM!! LOVE the mug cozies, only I'd want to wear them as cuffs. :) And that fruit tea sounds delicious. I am going to go look that up. Nice to connect with you today! And thanks for visiting my blog and saying hello.

    1. Sounds tasty - the cozies are rather cool, aren't they? Thanks for stopping by.

  17. I'd just want to sit down with you and have a cup of tea together and chat. Nothing like catching up over a warm cup of tea. Also, Carrie, thanks so much for sharing these sweet cozy ideas...they are adorable!

  18. Awww...thanks Michele! Glad you liked the goodies - thanks so much for stopping by!
