
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Congratulations to our latest winner!

Congratulations to our latest giveaway winner, Linda B!  Rafflecopter chose your name so I'll be wrapping up the goodies and they'll be headed your way!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I want to thank everyone who joined us that time - it was lots of fun deciding what different things to add to the package and your feedback as to what you were interested in was VERY helpful!  I will be using ALL of your ideas as I plan giveaways in the future.  (Notice the "s" - yup... there will be more!)

As a "thank you" to you all, here's a link to a poster I made JUST FOR YOU!  Click on the link to head over to Pic Monkey and save it for yourself to make your own poster, sign, background, you name it!

If you just choose to borrow it (fellow bloggers) please take a moment to link back to this page. Thanks!  

Once again, thanks so much for following the blog - it's oodles of fun to share with you.
Quilty hugs,

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