
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Best Burger in awhile! Bacon/Cheddar/Onions/Peppers...oh my!

Good morning, friends!

Before you read any further, I want to ask my vegetarian friends to just walk away... or at least scroll down the the liquid libation.  BTW - THAT is gluten free, FYI! 

Just HAD to share what we had for dinner the other night!  I've been hankerin' for some beef, of the burger kind lately, so this was mighty tasty...if I don't say so myself.  It was really not too complicated and had a great blend of flavors.  Here's a picture of the big boy...and it was BIG!

Added a bit of fresh potato salad and bottle of Angry Orchard Apple Ginger Hard Cider = complete meal!

Here's my "recipes":

Whitt's Wonder Burgers

1/2 onion
4 small sweet peppers (was the rest of the bag...)
olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
1/3 lb hamburger for each burger you need (I bought 1 pound, made 2 burgers and have the rest for next meal - made the $6.99 price tag something I could swallow!)
1 slice cheddar cheese for each burger (or cheese of your choice)
1 tbsp Thousand Island Dressing
2 tbsp chopped, cooked bacon (again, had left over...)
1 bun each

1. Start the burgers either in a skillet or on the grill (another month or so before I can do THAT!).  I tend to salt and pepper that skillet before adding burgers.
2. Slice onion and peppers.  Add olive oil, salt and pepper to the skillet.  Once it's hot, add onions and peppers.
3. Once first side of burgers are done to your liking, flip and add cheese to top.  ("Liking" in my book = cooked clear mooing...hubby?  MOOOOOO!  Just saying...)
4. Toast buns.
5. Add dressing and bacon to bottom of bun and put cooked burger with cheese on top.  Add onions and peppers...let them FALL ALL OVER the plate...consume!
6. Top and eat it, baby!  If you can...

Then to go with it we made up some...

Incredibly Basic Potato Salad
4 medium potatoes
1/2 cup mayo or salad dressing (Miracle Whip ONLY in this house...)
1/2 cup chopped celery
1 tbsp chives (fresh would be best...not yet here, though)
salt and pepper to taste

1. Peel and cook potatoes.  Cool.
2. Once it's cool, mix with salad dressing.
3. Add celery and chives.  (Hubby likes raw onion as Not so much...)
4. Add salt and pepper to taste - I like to do that at the table. JMHO.

Angry Orchard Apple Ginger Hard Cider

Under normal circumstances, I am NOT a big drinker, but this called out to me for some reason at the store.  Not sure why...until I tasted it!  Oh yah, baby - GREAT flavor!  Perfect for pretending it's a warm, lovely spring day.   Here's how they describe it:  Our Apple Ginger cider is a unlike any other cider. The addition of Nigerian ginger flavor adds a spiciness and warmth to the cider. The fresh ginger and apple flavors blend together for a sweet, yet slightly tart taste with a distinct ginger aroma. The result is a smooth, refreshing, slightly sweet cider with a subtle dry, yet complex, warming finish from the ginger. 

Then I saw you can make cocktails with it?  Okay.... I guess I'm their newest customer!  I'll let you know how THOSE come out!  I definitely see another blog post coming there!

Did I mention that after taking it all to the table my husband said, "You ARE getting your camera, right?"  Oh, man... caught me again!

Hugs to you all!


  1. Note: to vegetarian friends - just substitute the hamburger with veggie burger!! :)

  2. That sounds really good...Gonna try this for supper tommorow night :)
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Fantastic, Audrey! Let me know what you think! Thanks so much for stopping by - Carrie

  3. It's 7:15 in the AM and I think I might goo make me a burger~ Yummmm
    And, homemade potato salad is a staple at our picnic table on the lake in NH in NH and your husband is right ~ onions are a must ;-)

    1. We are in NH too!!
      I am thinking breakfast - but hubby might think a burger was good...I'm going to say coffee for now! Hahaha!
      Thanks so much for stopping by - Carrie

  4. Looks amazing. Love the easy potato salad recipe too. Might throw in some fried onions to that too. Thanks.

    1. Oh...interesting! Thanks for the comment and for stopping by today - nice to see you,Carrie

  5. CARRIE,
    Sometimes a great big hamburger is just the bestest thing, and you've got me drooling here, that picture looks fantastic!

    1. Yummy!! That's how I was feeling! It was VERY good - thanks so much for stopping by,

  6. Carrie,
    I've nominated YOU and your awesome blog for the Liebster award! I'll be posting in the next day or two about it. Congrats!

    1. NO WAY!! WOW!!! (*awww...shucks...grinning...) You are too kind!

  7. Now you've got me super hungry!! Nothing tastes better than a full burger. Thanks for sharing, Carrie!

    1. You got it, Michelle!! You are more than welcome - stop by anytime - Carrie
