
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Repurpose Project 1: Sweater to Purse

Good morning, friends -

The temps are a balmy 31 this morning - hoping it gets up a bit so the sap will be running today!  Sah-weet!  They made the first syrup last night!  Thank goodness since we just cracked open the last jug from last year this past week.

I've made some progress on my current re-purposing project from my Valentine's Day post.  You might remember this sweater:

The process has been fun and the first project is completed:

Here's how I did it.
First off, I needed to cut it up into "useable" pieces.

Taking the large, body piece, I turned it inside out and sewed the bottom edge.  I chose to have the trimmed "top part" as the bottom.  I sewed it once with a straight stitch and then used a zigzag just outside of that.

Next, I needed to give it a bottom.  I just opened the bag up and folded it so that I could see a triangle at the end.  I sewed in the depth I wanted to create the width of the bottom.  It will come to a point on the right side of the needle.  I sewed it several times.

Here's what it looked like.

I repeated it for the other side. Be sure to sew it at the same depth. Kind of looked like a pair of ears!
 turned it right side out and viola - a nice bottom!

You need to do the same thing with the lining.  *Make the lining the same size as the bag.
Once that's done, inside out the lining and put the sweater part inside so the right-sides are together and pin around the edge. 

I sewed around the edge - using a straight stitch first and then a zigzag to secure it after. 

I left an opening approximately 4" wide to pull the sweater part through.

Then, I folded over the edge of the lining at the opening and stitched it closed.

Next,  I pinned around the edge, making the fabric snug against the sweater part.

Rather than doing a straight stitch, I went for something fun and sewed the edge down.

Time for handles.  I went with a purse strap from my "stash".  I chose one with clips on it because I like to have a place to secure my keys so they don't float around in the bag.  It was a single piece - I cut it in half and there are a pair of clips inside then.

Taking my time (so as not to break needles...) I did a large X from the front side to secure the handles

In the end, as you saw above, it came out pretty well!  It's a great tote for fall/winter - kind of snuggly!  Now.... to see what else I can come up with for the rest of the sweater!  :o)

Quilty hugs,

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