
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Freezer Meals: Bacon, Egg & Cheese English Muffin - 1 Star

Good morning, friends -

As some of you know, I've been on this cooking binge.  I'm trying all sorts of new things and seeing how many, if any, are good to freeze.  I'm going to have to say that this one, freezing bacon, egg &  cheese on an English muffin is a bust.  It's edible, but not yummy.  So a single star.

But let's back up because the day I made them, they were GREAT!  These are a 5 star in my family's book! Here's the recipe and the results:

English Muffin Breakfast Sandwiches

For each sandwich you need:
1 slice of bacon
1 egg
1 English muffin
olive oil
salt, pepper & chili powder (scant amount of each)

Cook your bacon and set aside.

Scramble and cook your egg.  I like to cook mine in a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and chili powder.  Once the first side is cooked, flip and add the cheese, like one would an omlet.  Then, fold over in half and again in a quarter for an egg that fits a muffin nicely.

Toast the muffin (I try to time it so the muffin pops when the egg is done - a bit of a timing act...) and then put the bacon and egg/cheese between the muffin.  You can butter the muffin first, but I find it doesn't need it.

Eat. Yum. Love bacon.

Now... these were amazing when we ate them at that point.  I froze a half dozen to see how they came out.  After they cooled, I wrapped each one in plastic and then bagged to keep from any freezer burn and make them easy to take to work.  My thought process was good.  The result?  Not so - but perhaps because we are pretty picky?

I took one out this morning to try.  Unwrapped it, wrapped in a napkin and microwaved it for 1 1/2 minutes.  It looked GREAT!  But....was chewy and just kind of blechy in comparison to the original.

I am thinking several thoughts:
  1. Maybe bacon IS really better fresh and crispy?  Would a piece of sausage be better?  Your thoughts?
  2. Perhaps cooking the egg differently would work?  I saw some on Pinterest that cooked the eggs in the oven in muffin tins.  Would that improve the egg?  Make it not so chewy?
  3. Am glad I didn't make more than a half dozen.
  4. Will TOTALLY make again fresh...for now?  Not to freeze!
Have you tried this idea?  How did it work for you?  Thoughts for me on how to?  I'd love to hear from you.

Have a creative day,

Reminder: Love fabric?  Want to play?  Just a few days left till the drawing for 38 pieces of header fabrics (fills a flat rate) and a quilt pattern.  Come on over and check it out here! 

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