
Saturday, February 9, 2013


Good afternoon from snowburied NH!

I've been away from the blogging world for a bit...okay...fell off the face of the blogging earth, but hey, it was field hockey it's basketball season...what can I say?  Terribly sorry...but I'm back with things in the wings to share!  Yay!

First, I have to show a picture taken out the front door ... Here in NH we "found Nemo" - he/she/it came with a vengeance overnight after lulling us into a false sense of "darn weather people...wrong again!!"security and dumped up to 3 feet (yes, that's 36 inches) of the fluffy white stuff across the region.  2-3' was what they said.... they were right!  That path is what's shoveled.. that lump on the right?  That's my car!!  I've got till tomorrow to uncover it and find my way down the drive to return DD to college!

So, with a bit of time on my hands today and a couple of adorable grandchildren to visit I thought I'd peruse Pinterest and find something fun to do with them.  I decided to try my hand at a bit of play dough.  Haven't made any in YEARS and have NO cream of tarter on hand... soooo... cruised Google for "play dough without cream of tarter" and low and behold, Natural Parenting Tips had a perfect recipe! I was able to whip up a couple batches (have to have 2 colors and enough for 2 boys...) and here it is:

Just stop by their website here and you can find a GREAT recipe for play dough if you, like me, have no cream of tarter!!

Hope you are safe and warm where ever you are!  Quilty hugs from here in New Hampshire!!

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