
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hugs, Thanks & TTFN to Redneck Mommy

Good morning, friends,

Blogging is one of those activities that serves many purposes.
  • It allows us to connect with those we know and might not see as often as we'd like;
  • As a blogger, it gives you a "voice" that you might not have any other way - it is frightening and empowering at the same time;
  • It creates bridges between ourselves and others we might never meet, by share something we  have in common, whether its something we can do/have or covet;
  • and it opens our eyes to the lives of others - teaching us in so many ways what being human is all about.

Several years ago, when I had just started reading blogs, I ran across one entitled Attack of the Redneck Mommy.  I had to read it the first time JUST because of the name she'd chosen!  I found Tanis hysterical, insightful and one incredible mother!  She reminds me of a new millennium Erma Bombeck.

Tanis has shared her life from the frozen north of Canada for seven years and says, unashamedly that "blogging saved her life" - if you take the time to read her story, you will understand and agree.  Last night, she said "goodbye" to the Redneck Mommy, "the wisecracking blogger," to move on with her life.

As a reader and fellow blogger, I wish you the best.  I thank you for sharing and teaching us all for the past seven years.  I DO HOPE that the Tanis you are becoming continues to share your humor and love of life with us all --- we'll be waiting to see!

Hugs from NH....



  1. Aw, thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you will continue to read me even though I'll no longer have a catchy blog name. I really appreciate all of your support. Big smooches!
