
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pretty Pillows: More Ideas for 1 yd or less fabric

I saw a lovely pillow on Pinterest and it sent me searching for more GREAT pillow ideas to share!

Have a peek and see what you think!

Gathered heart pillow by V and Co
This is a wonderful tutorial that will motivate you to find some red and white fabric!  Can't wait to try it out!

Gwenny Penny has a totally different look here:
The color and the fabric are wonderful - soooo different from the one above!

This is from my new favorite site, sew4home!
These are a perfect use for some of the gorgeous fabrics I picked up, don't you think?

How about this one?  Pillows made from sweaters?  How fun this tutorial by Brassy Apple is:

Here's one from Martha Stewart's site, always a fountain of ideas there!  This project uses some painting/printing methods. That wouldn't work with the fabrics I just got... BUT we KNOW I have more that would work just fine!

The last one I want to share this morning is in honor of the fact our oldest daughter is leaving home to take a job out of state.  She's daddy's girl - a pillow made from his shirt might just be perfect!  <3
Check this out at Ducks in a Row:

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

PS.  If you haven't stopped by to leave your opinions on what you'd like me to write about, check out this posting.  If you click on it, a page opens with a place to check mark any that interest you.  You submit and that's it!  Seriously, 15 seconds!!

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